Is a tectonic shift coming to global currency markets? – Asia Times

A quiet but significant shift in global financial trends may be on the way – one that could dramatically alter the relationship between the Chinese yuan and the US dollar.

At the heart of this shift is a potential move to repatriate large amounts of dollar-denominated assets held by Chinese companies, a scenario that is likely to play out if U.S. interest rates are cut in the coming months.

The move could set off a wave of capital inflows into China, with far-reaching implications for the yuan, the dollar and global currency markets as a whole.

It is estimated that Chinese companies have accumulated more than $2 trillion in overseas investments, most of which are held in US dollar assets.

Since the start of the pandemic, Chinese companies have been seeking higher yields overseas and are finding that dollar-denominated assets offer better returns than domestic yuan-denominated options.

But this trend could soon reverse: The US Federal Reserve is widely expected to cut interest rates in response to slowing inflation and economic problems in the US.

Falling borrowing costs in China could make holding dollar-denominated assets less attractive and encourage Chinese companies to move investments domestically.

Estimates vary as to how much capital will be repatriated, but estimates range from $400 billion to $1 trillion.

Even at the low end of this range the impact on the yuan could be significant, with some analysts predicting it could strengthen by as much as 10% against the dollar.

The mechanism behind the change

A narrowing interest rate gap between the U.S. and China could drive this wave of capital inflows. Over the past few years, Chinese companies have built big overseas portfolios in everything from U.S. Treasuries to corporate bonds to real estate.

But with the Fed now signaling a change of direction, the calculations are changing.

In contrast, China’s economic situation, while it has its own challenges, remains relatively stable, and as U.S. yields fall, domestic investment may start to look more attractive.

This is where capital repatriation comes in: If U.S. interest rates fall and the dollar weakens, Chinese companies may bring funds home and convert their dollars into yuan. This could put upward pressure on the value of the yuan, especially if capital inflows are large.

A stronger yuan could signal a broader rebalancing of economic power, especially given ongoing tensions between the U.S. and China and the growing importance of the Chinese economy on the global stage.

This scenario is plausible but by no means certain. Several factors could affect the extent and timing of capital repatriation and, therefore, the appreciation of the renminbi.

First, the People’s Bank of China (PBOC) is unlikely to sit idly by and allow the yuan to appreciate unchecked. Beijing has a long history of tightly controlling its currency and intervening when necessary to maintain stability.

If Chinese companies were to repatriate hundreds of billions of dollars, or even as much as $1 trillion, it could send far-reaching ripples through global markets.

The dollar’s dominance as the world’s primary reserve currency has long been underpinned by strong demand for U.S. assets. A major shift in this demand could pressure the value of the dollar and shift the balance of economic power between the U.S. and China.

This isn’t just about the U.S. and China: A stronger yuan could have ripple effects on other currencies, especially emerging markets that compete with China for exports.

A significant appreciation of the yuan could give other Asian countries with weaker currencies relative to the yuan a competitive advantage, reshaping trade dynamics in the region.

Of course, uncertainties remain, but the possibility of a stronger yuan and a weaker dollar is real and could reshape the global economic landscape in new and significant ways.

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